


The National Institute of Research and Development for Machinery and Installations for Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA Bucharest has the oldest and most prestigious research activity in the field of agricultural machinery and mechanization technologies in Romania.


Scientific basis of processes in agriculture, food industry and creation of new machining technologies, tools and technical equipment compatible and competitive with < span lang = “en”> European research area specific to the concepts of SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE and FOOD SECURITY.

About us

The mission of the institute is to carry out scientific research activities (fundamental and applicative), of innovation in the field of processes, technologies and technical equipment for mechanization and automation of works in agriculture and food industry, in the context of harmonizing the whole activity with ANCS and European Union policies.

Research Projects

We carry out projects financed from EU funds, funds for RDI - PN II, PN III and Nucleus Program and through Structural Programs.

Products transferred

As a result of the research, we develop approved innovative equipment and systems that can be transferred to manufacturers.

Transferred technologies

We have experience in the development and transfer of technologies for agriculture: from a single equipment to complex systems.

Official Patents

Produsele, echipamentele sau tehnologiile obținute în cercetare sunt brevetate la nivel național prin înregistrare la OSIM.


Awards and medals at the International Inventions Show




Papers published in ISI journals


Papers published in journals from the main stream of publications

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