Internal Public Audit represents a functionally independent and objective activity, brings safety assurance and counseling to the management, conceived to add value and benefit of the organization systems functioning.
Public internal audit in Romania is governed by Law No. 672/2002 regarding the internal public audit, republished.
According to the provisions of art. 11 letter f) of the Law No. 672/2002 regarding the internal public audit, updated and republished, and to the approved organization chart within INMA, the internal audit department is the structure organized under the direct subordination of the INMA General Manager.
- Provides the draft of the multiannual public internal audit plan for a period of 3 years and, based on it, the draft of the annual internal audit plan.
- Provides the annual report of the public internal audit activity that describes how to achieve the objectives of the internal public audit department.
- Update the public internal audit plan, depending on the legislative or organizational changes, the management’s requests of INMA and MCI and the significant changes in the risk exposure of the audited structure.
- Performs ad hoc audit missions, meaning exceptional public internal audit missions, not included in the annual public audit plan, which are ordered by INMA’s management, under the law.
- Creates / revises the operational procedures specific to the internal public audit activity.
- Creates / updates the Internal Audit Charter which it submits to the CAPI-MCI for notice and is approved by the General Manager of INMA.