INMA-CERT is a “third party” product certification body, whose organization and functioning are in accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO / IEC 17065: 2013 – Conformity assessment. Requirements for organizations certifying products, processes and services.
INMA-CERT emerged in 1995 as an independent entity in the organizational structure of INMA.
INMA-CERT does not have its own legal status; it is a well-defined entity within INMA, independent in its certification actions and operating according to its own rules of organization and operation.
INMA-CERT offers product conformity assessment services in the unregulated field (voluntary), under non-accredited regime, for the certification of machines and installations intended for agriculture and food industry;
INMA-CERT guarantees the following principles:
Through its own certification system, the body ensures and guarantees the access of all producers, on a non-discriminatory basis, in the same financial conditions and ensures its impartiality and objectivity, both through its organizational and functional structure and through the evaluation and certification procedures adopted.
The personnel involved in the certification actions carried out by INMA-CERT are neither the designer, the manufacturer, the supplier, the installer, the buyer, the owner, the user or the one who ensures the maintenance of the product unit undergoing the certification process nor the authorized representative of one of these parties.