The mission of Execution Department
The mission of the Execution Department is the execution of experimental models, prototypes and pilot installations, an applicative part of scientific research activities in the field of processes, technologies and technical equipment for agriculture and food industry.
Directions and objectives
In the context of featuring the institutional development strategy of INMA Bucharest, which has constant concerns related to the development of a competitive research structure able to create innovative products and quality research services, with applicability in different production sectors or where they are required, the department’s objective is to increase the level of performance and quality of experimental models, prototypes and pilot installations.
In the same direction, parts, subassemblies and equipment for third parties, natural or legal persons, or in collaboration with different National Research and Development Institutes can be executed within the Execution Department. It has computer-aided numerical control machines that can perform sheet processing operations such as:
- Cutting (Hydraulic guillotine-CNC);
- Punching and cutting to shape (Machining centre-CNC);
- Bending (Hydraulic press-CNC), as well as classical machines for mechanical processing.
Execution Department components
The Execution Department has a professional staff with proven skills in the execution of experimental models and prototypes.