Department of Informatics and Engineering


The main mission of the department consists of realization of advanced researches, based on information technology, computer-aided engineering, mathematical modelling and numerical simulation for mechanization technologies of agricultural works and related fields adjacent to them.

The secondary mission of the department consists of participation in all other research topics of the institute (mathematical modeling, simulation, optimization, software development, creation of databases, etc.).



  • Mathematical models of some processes from agriculture and agricultural machinery;
  • Precision agriculture;
  • Structural analysis;
  • Environmental problems (erosion, landslides, the evolution of organic matter in the soil, according to the evolution of environmental parameters);
  • Experimental data processing services and mathematical modeling of the processes experimentally investigated;
  • Agricultural soil analysis services.



  • Research – development of tools based on information technology (application programs, databases, optimizations, prognoses, diagnosis, etc.) for machines and installations destined for agriculture and food industry;
  • Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation for processes and phenomena specific to technical equipment, for environmental processes and phenomena and for interaction between machine and the environment, in order to optimize or improve the characteristic parameters of the processes;
  • Structural analysis in the domain of machinery and equipment for agriculture and food industry – strength and stress test, test simulation;
  • Implementation and administration of local networks, hard and software services, system engineering, designing and WEB pages administration;
  • Determination of soil physical-chemical properties and their mapping for using in precision agriculture;
  • Development of projects, national and international partnerships with scientific and / or applicative character, based on capitalizing on the results in recent years;
  • Consultancy in the domain of applied Informatics, designing and research.



  • Head of Computerised Engineering and Information Technology Department: Eng. Muraru Vergil Marian – SR I

Tel: 0744 357 250


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