The mission of the institute is to conduct scientific research (fundamental and applied) and innovation in the field of processes, technologies and mechanizing and automating technical equipment of the agricultural and food industry works in the context of harmonization of entire activities to the ANCS and European Union activities.


Premii şi medalii la Saloanele internaţionale de invenţii


Brevete de invenție


Lucrări publicate în reviste ISI


Lucrări publicate în reviste din fluxul principal de publicaţii

Fundamental research of interaction phenomena of biological, pedoclimatic and technological factors on the technical equipment in the processes of mechanization and automation of works in agriculture;

Scientific substantiation of the processes in agriculture, food industry and creating of a new technology of mechanization, instruments and technical equipment compatible and competitive with the European area of the research specific to the concepts of SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE and FOOD SAFETY;

Renewable power sources (biomass, biofuels),technologies and technical equipment for their use in conditions of efficiency, life, health and environment protection;

Rural development and raising of life quality by technological transfer and demonstrations of the research results performed by the Institute;

Strengthening the research basis (human resources, logistics, research equipment) and performing some partnerships for connecting to ERA, including the integration into the technological platforms at the European level.

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